Research Developement Fellowship (RDF) 16 - 17

Dear Research Development Fellows 2016 - 17

Thank you for all your positive feedback regarding the first RDF Residential! 

It's great to know exactly what you enjoyed about the event, and to hear how much it has helped you to sharpen the focus of your research.

This space is here to provide you with up to date resources and information which will be useful to you as you continue to progress on your journey as Practitioner-Researchers.

Below you will see links to all the materials handed out during the first Residential Event. Simply click on the links to access the resource.

  1.  RDF Residential One Welcome Pack
  2. Coffield: Everything you wanted to know about teaching and learning but were too cool to ask.
  3.  You and your organisation (Proforma One)
  4.  Planning your Research Poster (Proforma Two)
  5. Hattie Table of Influence (Hattie Part One)
  6. Hattie Influence Rankings (Hattie Part Two) 
  7.  Irving Evaluation Form
If you have any queries please don't hesitate to get in touch by emailing Daniel Gregson ( or  Hayley Jenkins (

Best Wishes,

Danny and Hayley 

Remember you can keep in touch with us via our Twitter feed: @TeamSUNCETT and the Hashtag #SUNCETTResearch

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